He accused me of making porn videos for money
CONFESSOR: So this happened recently, I was home alone and my ex came to my house. I don’t know why I had this feeling that something is gonna happen, I locked the door and stayed inside. He came and started banging the door, I was scared and I had a chain of panic attacks. I was scared coz he physically harassed me so many times for the past 5 years. He called up my cousin and told her that I was on a porn site and he wanted to talk to me about it. I am not that kind of a person, I knew it wasn’t me. I never wanted to Initiate any conversation with him. He was dating another girl and lied to me saying he’s waiting for me, the reason we broke up was coz he cheated on me multiple times with many girls. And later I made up my mind and opened the door, he showed me some random video and told me that the girl in the video is me. He was on drugs and he spoke a lot of shit. I kept denying the fact that it was me. And then he left, he called me from different unknown numbers and accused me of being on a porn site making videos for money, he said I did all of that coz I wanted money. He used very bad language, called me a slut. He also accused me of sleeping with a guy who was like my brother. It broke me so badly when he said prostitution was my new job. I’m a teacher and it’s one of the purest profession. Idk how he could do this to me. As I talk about it even now my hand shivers and I have cold sweats. It’s scary how he could not hesitate even to hit me.
ADMIN: Did you tell your parents about this. Is he taking advantage because your parents do not know about it.
CONFESSOR: My mom knows that he had come here but initially she didn’t bother. She said just ignore him or block him, but it got worse. I didn’t tell her that he accused me being on a porn site.
ADMIN: Like he is not scared of your mom? Did you tell your dad about it ?
CONFESSOR: I have a single parent. He spoke to her and she screwed him. Actually day before yesterday he caused a scene slapped me so hard, he held my neck when he found out I like someone else, he is dating another girl but he’s not letting me live in peace. He wants me to go back to him, he says that he’s just friends with that girl but he’s dating her. I spoke to her yesterday she told me that they’ve been dating from a long time. He lied to me and he physically abuses me and I can’t ask for help coz he’s a psycho and I’m scared where he’ll hurt that people around me. He always does that, if I block him or don’t talk to him he targets the people around me. He’s not a human. I had bruises all over my body and yesterday I couldn’t even get up.
He pushed me on the road and I fell Unconscious and people gathered, the guy I like held him by the neck but then when he saw me he let go off my ex and he held me. Then we left from there. I told him to leave coz I knew my ex would show up near my house and that’s when he hit me and he made a huge
scene in front of my house. He’s dating that girl and yet he’s torturing me and asking me to come back and it’s not right. He’s telling me that I gave him hope that I’ll come back but I told
him I don’t have any feelings for him and that’s why he started dating her again. He did so much damage to me emotionally and physically. The guy I like is very supportive and he’s the only reason why I’m still holding up otherwise idk what would’ve happened on that day.